
Prayer to St. Camillus
Camillian Prayer
Novena of St. Camillus
Our Lady Health of the Sick
Morning/Evening Prayer
Prayer for Camillian Vocation

Pray this prayer especially during moments of suffering and illness.

Prayer to
St. Camillus deLellis

Glorious St. Camillus, turn your merciful eyes upon those who suffer and those who care for them.
Grant to the sick, Christian resignation and trust in the goodness and power of God.
Make those who take care of the sick be generous and lovingly dedicated.
Help us to understand the mystery of suffering as a means of redemption and the way to God.
May your protection comfort the sick and their families and encourage them to live together in love.
Bless those who dedicate themselves to the sick.
And may the good God grant peace and hope to all. Amen. 
St. Camillus, pray for us.

The Camillian Prayer was written by a Member of the Order of St. Camillus for the Lay Camillian Family. This prayer can be used to ask for the intercession of St. Camillus

Camillian Prayer

Dear Lord, help me to feel Your presence amidst my suffering. Help me to reach out for Your healing love. Though I feel helpless and hurting at times, I ask that I might see in my illness a way to draw more closely to You, You Who are my Savior and Redeemer. May I seek every day to truly believe St. Camillus’ words: “The poor and the sick are the very heart of God.” In faith I know that I am close to Your Heart and that nothing I feel can separate me from the love of Christ, a love that is stronger than any suffering or sadness.  

I ask You to answer me in my need and to bless and protect the Order of St. Camillus throughout the world, blessing also those who share in their mission. I also ask Our Lady, Health of the Sick, and St. Camillus to intercede for us to the Lord that we might become one, truly one, in faith, hope and Christian love. Lord, may we offer to You every moment of our day, every joy and sorrow, every tear and laughter, every cross and rising. We ask this in Christ’s name. Amen.

Traditionally, this prayer is used nine days leading up to the Feast of St. Camillus de Lellis. This prayer can be used for special prayer requests through the intercession of St. Camillus.

Novena of St. Camillus

O Saint Camillus, you consecrated your life to the practice of charity and became a true friend of the sick and the needy. You were a comforting angel to the dying, solace to the afflicted and a humble servant of God. You transformed the mystery of human suffering, and taught us to see in all the sick, the person of Jesus, so as to serve them as lords and masters. Obtain for us the gift of fortitude and those spiritual graces that will best serve the needs of our souls.

Pray for us, Saint Camillus our heavenly Patron. That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.

Let us pray.

Inflame our hearts, O Lord, with the spirit of love as we honor the memory of St. Camillus. Grant us his heroic virtues, so that our every thought and deed may be according to your will and that we may love you in our sick brother and sisters with sincerity of heart. We ask this throught Christ our Lord. Amen.

Pray this prayer to seek solace and comfort during physical and spiritual suffering.

Our Lady Health of the Sick

O Mary, Health of the Sick, I come to you with a soul oppressed with sorrow and fatigue. At this moment my body is racked with pain and my soul weighed down with sadness.

Mother of Mercy, stay close by my side to console me. And as on that day at the foot of the cross, you took upon yourself the suffering of the dying Christ now gather to yourself all my frustrations and restore peace and serenity to my soul.

O Mother of our Savior, hear my prayer. Amen.

Morning/Evening Prayer

Pray these to start and end your day by inviting the Trinity to be with you throughout your day.

Morning Prayer

I arise today,
Embraced in the arms of God the Father,
Empowered by the strength of God the Spirit,
Immersed in the love of God the Son.

I arise today
In the company of the Trinity,
Father, Spirit and Son.
I arise today. Amen.

Evening Prayer

Lord, thank you for seeing me through this day - another day closer to returning to you. Bless the work that my hands and heart accomplished this day. Even in smallest ways, may it further your plan and purpose for our world and your kingdom present in it.

Bless all the persons I encountered today. They have their own unique joys and sorrows, and I hope that by what I said and did, I was able to minister to them, ease their burdens, and light their way.

Forgive me any failings and sins committed this day, either deliberately or by omission. Above all, forgive me for not loving with your love, for not forgiving with your forgiveness, for not reaching out the way you would. Forgive me if I did not allow you to work in and through me today. Amen.

Prayer for Camillian Vocation

Pray this prayer on June 19, 2024: First World Day of Prayer for Camillian Vocations

Prayer for Camillian Vocation

Lord Jesus,
we acknowledge your tender call to each of us, inviting us to walk faithfully in your footsteps. With gratitude, we embrace the vocation to Camillian consecrated life that you have bestowed upon us.

We place ourselves in your loving care, seeking your guidance and strength as we journey in our vocational discernment. Grant us the grace to faithfully and joyfully serve the sick,
following the example you set before us.

We lift up in prayer our young men and women in Camillian formation, as they discern their path. May your gentle voice resonate within their hearts, leading them to respond wholeheartedly to your call.

Bless our Camillian family abundantly with new members.
Stir the hearts of many young men and women, igniting within them a desire to dedicate their lives to serving you through caring for the sick. Grant them the courage and generosity
to respond to your call without hesitation.

We implore this, through the intercession of Blessed Virgin Mary, our mother, and St. Camillus, our heavenly patron.